In this part of the world, where the weather is usually dry and windy at this period of the year, there are some items every lady should have in their bags. I call them the handbag essentials for Harmattan.
A handbag is one of the necessary items in every woman’s fashion accessories. It is, as a matter of importance, the topmost item on the list of accessories to have in everyday fashion.
A handbag houses many items, including toiletries and cosmetics. Nevertheless, the contents could vary, depending on the weather, occasion, or the personality of the one carrying it.
In this edition, we shall be looking at the core items that every elegant lady’s bag should contain, especially during Harmattan.
In this part of the world, where the weather is usually dry and windy at this period of the year, there are some items every lady should have in their bags. I call them the handbag essentials for Harmattan.

This could come in the form of chewing gum or mints. They help to keep one’s breath fresh. Some people have the opinion that chewing gum in public makes one look like a goat, but that’s not absolutely right. If you must chew gum, please learn how to do so elegantly. Don’t wind your mouth vigorously, don’t chew with your mouth open, and don’t let the next person beside you hear the sound. These are the things that are irritating about chewing gum.

This is another essential item that should make it to your handbag in this season of dry weather. It helps to keep your lips moist and glossy. It is not a good sight to go about with dried or cracked lips. It demeans your personality as an elegant woman.

This is very important and helpful, especially in this dry season. It comes in handy when you want to dab your face of some sweat, clean the surface of something before sitting/resting your hand on it, or when you want to use a public restroom. It can also be used to clean off dust from your shoes—you definitely do not want to be seen wearing a dusty pair of shoes. And nobody will care to know how long a distance you walked. So, pocket tissue is an essential item to have in your handbag.

This will contain some touch-up essentials like powder, lipstick, etc. These are things that will help you maintain your glow throughout the day. So, you put them in a small purse to keep your handbag well organized, and it also makes it easier for you to locate and use them. You don’t want to be seen scattering or turning your handbag upside down in search of one tiny makeup item.

For the times when you’ll wash your hands, you definitely need to moisturize with a good hand cream to avoid having dried, chapped hands. It helps to keep your hands soft and smooth.

Always ensure you have a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your bag. It comes in handy when you find yourself in a place where you can’t wash your hands, or when you feel you’ve done a lot of handshakes and need to keep your hands clean and fresh. Again, remember it is always dusty everywhere due to Harmattan. So, as a matter of importance, keep your hands sanitized.

This is absolutely essential, especially in this dry season when the sun is so harsh and scorching. You need to wear it to protect your eyes from the sun’s rays. And if you are the kind of person who doesn’t wear makeup regularly, you can use sunshades to elevate your looks.

This item might look ignoble, but it is essential, especially for handbags that don’t have compartments. A wallet can be used for your ID card, ATM card, and cash. It is wise to always have some cash with you. You can never tell when you’ll need it to tip a waiter, be kind to a traffic warden, or even pay for something quickly if there’s bad network for transfers. Always have physical cash handy.

Every lady should have AirPods for when you want to take calls or listen to music without disturbing and interrupting the peace of those around you. Did you know that always putting your phone on your ear while answering calls, especially when you’re wearing makeup, makes your phone dirty and, of course, wipes off the makeup on the side of your face where you take calls? So now you know, you have to add AirPods as an important item in your handbag.
Feel free to add any other items to your handbag, as occasion warrants. As I said earlier, these essentials may vary depending on the individual, occasion, or weather condition.