Gov. Otti lauds Akajimba Age Grade over multimillion naira school project

Abia State Governor, Dr Alex Otti has commended the concerted efforts of Akajimba Age Grade of Amaekpu Ohafia in embarking on the construction of ten classroom storey building geared towards complimenting Government’s efforts at enhancing the educational standard of Amaekpu Community and the State.

Dr Otti stated this during the commissioning and handover of the multi million naira ten classroom storey building project built by the Age Grade as part of activities marking the celebration of their Otomu ceremony held at the Ofali Agwu Primary School, Amaekpu Ohafia in Ohafia LGA.

The Governor represented by his Deputy, Engr Ikechukwu Emetu described the Age Grade System of Ohafia as a veritable tool that propel the wheel of development and progress in Ohafia communities and Abia at large.

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He called for concerted efforts in uplifting academic excellence and moral upbringing of Abia children and wards for a better future and assured the community of Government’s commitment to infrastructure enhancement, better living conditions and improved security.

Governor Otti congratulated the Akajimba Age Grade for achieving this great feat aimed at assisting the present administration in transforming the education sector and urged other communities to embark on developmental projects to compliment Government’s commitment to take the State to greater heights.

In his speech, the Traditional Ruler of Amaekpu Ohafia, Ezieogo Uduma Obuba said the handing over of the building project by Akajimba Age Grade to celebrate their Otomu ceremony is an long aged tradition of Ohafia Clan in achieving social responsibility in community development

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In his address, the President General of Akajimba Age Grade, Chief Ume Ume Imaga stated that in their profound desire to serve their community, they embarked on a storey building ten classroom block valued at over fifty million naira and handed over to their community as part of their contribution to the development of Amaekpu community, Ohafia LGA and State at large.

Baring their minds, some members of the Age Grade, Chief Kalu Agwu Kalu, Chief Okwara Nnate Nwosu, Chief Ezera Nwafor, Mrs Grace Okoro, Elder Nnanna N. Ugbaga
appreciated God for granting them the Grace contribute to community development and to join their counterparts in celebrating their Otomu in good health.