Disregard Activities Of Imposters Using APGA To Cash Out-Ehiemere Tells Abians

The Abia State Chairman of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Rev Augustine Ehiemere, has enjoined  Abians to jettison and disregard what he described as the activities of few imposters within the party,who are paid agents recruited to cause disaffection within the party,thereby, using the party to cash out.
He said the party is ever ready to apply the provisions of its constitution to instill absolute discipline and candor within the party at all times.
The State working committee of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Abia State chapter, led by Rev Augustine Ehiemere,in a Press Conference held at the Party State Secretariat, said that they have uncovered the evil plots of those using APGA to make money for their selfish and personal gains and that these mercantile politicians are very unsettled and uncomfortable, thus the reason they are working against the leadership of the party and have series of evil plots against the party leadership in the State.
 According to Rev Ehiemere, “Some frustrated politicians and enemies within the party,masquerade themselves as APGA leaders in Abia State even when they are nothing but wolves in sheep clothing”.
He revealed that these men remain pathological liars whose stock in trade is to deceive Abians and paint APGA black, while they receive their payments from their paymasters.
 The APGA Chairman recalled that, “On 31/8/2022, Sir Chikwe Udensi illegally sponsored one Prince Nnanna Ukaegbu, who is not a member of the party to illegally and forcefully broke into our party Secretariat, where he stole some valuable property worth millions of naira. Let it be on record that the party being a critical stakeholder in the Abia political project and an advocate of rule of law and constitutionalism, decided to resort to due process of law in making sure that all who conspired to break into our party Secretariat will face the law, as no person is above the law,no matter how highly placed .
“May we use this medium to inform all Abians and members of the press that instead of answering to police invitation to explain his criminal activities regarding his breaking into the party Secretariat, Nnanna Ukaegbu,a paid agent of destabilization, has been on the run and has refused to answer to police invitation.Rather, what the evil imposter and agent of destabilization did was file a suit in the court against the Commissioner of police,Abia State.
“There is no doubt that the leadership of this party has suffered series of persecution in the hands of some undemocratic forces and agents of destabilization in Abia State who have vowed that  Abia State can not be liberated from her current debilitated condition .
“The good news is that APGA shall never be deterred or intimidated in her quest to fight for the total deliverance of all  Abians from the comatose situation we have found ourselves”.
He, however, expressed appreciation to the Abia APGA Governorship Candidate,Prof Greg Ibe for his desire in making sure that the health of Abia citizens are restored through his medical outreach across the state.