PDP Lambasts Kingsley Megwara,Says He Was Never Appointed ‘Spokesperson’ for Atiku Campaign Organisation In Abia

The People’s Democratic Party in Abia has reacted to the recent interview granted by a certain Kingsley Megwara, where he said that the governor of Abia State, Dr Okezie Ikpeazu, may lose his Senatorial bid, if he does not distance himself from the G5 PDP Governors who are insisting that equity, justice and fair play should be the benchmark for Nigerian politics going forward. 
In a Press Release, signed and issued to Newsmen by the Abia PDP Vice Chairman/Acting State Publicity Secretary,Elder Abraham Amah, lambasted the former ASPIMSS Boss, saying it’s unfortunate that Kingsley Megwara would choose to expose himself in such an unruly manner rather than comport himself among the league of gentlemen who understand the undercurrents that drive the new Nigerian politics. “Goethe, one of the greatest German philosophers said that there is nothing as frightful as ignorance in action”. This is one of such cases.
“In the first place, there is no record in the PDP books where Kingsley Megwara was either by omission or commission appointed as spokesperson for the Atiku Abubakar Campaign Organisation in Abia State. If his loquaciousness is a gambit to include himself into the Atiku Abubakar Campaign Organisation by excluding those that have staunchly laboured and supported the presidential candidate of the PDP, then he should have a rethink because it will not work”.
The Release stated that it came as a rude shock that Kingsley Megwara who has not for once either in writing, interview or any other medium lent his voice as an Abian, South Easterner or Southern Nigerian to galvanise support for the presidential candidate of the PDP, could rudely introduce himself into the Atiku Abubakar presidential arena as a spokesperson by talking about a non-related issue as the chances of Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu’s senatorial bid. “What a bad way to make a wrong first impression.
“It is known to Abians that the Abia PDP has always supported the ambition of the presidential candidate of the PDP through various means including but not limited to press releases, news commentaries, press interviews and physical visits. Just a fortnight ago, the Abia PDP gubernatorial candidate, Prof. Uche Ikonne, at the instance of the State governor, Dr Okezie Ikpeazu, led the top echelon of the Abia PDP on a solidarity visit to Alhaji Atiku Abubakar in Abuja and the purported spokesperson of Atiku Abubakar in Abia State, Kingsley Megwara was not among the delegation. So much of a spokesperson.
“For emphasis, let it be known that Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu is on ground in Abia State and Abia South senatorial district and the likes of Kingsley Megwara who resort to clout chasing with the names of Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu and Abia PDP just to shore up their dwindled political careers, will not succeed. It is amazing that a man of Megwara’s standing in politics will not understand at this moment that it is Alhaji Atiku Abubakar who needs the endorsement of Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu to win Abia and not the other way round as he ignorantly opined”.
The Release further stated that the position of the Abia State Governor, Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu and those of his colleague governors in the G5 PDP Governors,is very clear and based on equity, justice and fair play. It is wicked and unpatriotic for Megwara to take to such a futile journey of advising Dr Ikpeazu to distance himself from a group that seeks to protect the interest of the
Southern Nigeria and Igbo nation in particular.
“Anybody, especially an acclaimed spokesperson of the PDP presidential candidate who does not know the dire consequences of an un-reconciled Atiku Abubakar with the G5 Governors before the 2023 general elections, is truly not worth his salt and should seek a better level of political education to understand Nigeria, its people and politics.
“Abia PDP, therefore,advises its members and Abians to disregard the jabbering of Kingsley Megwara and his likes, whose new creed is to revive their nosedived political careers by seeking to paint the governor and PDP in a bad light. Abians know what they want and who they want.
“And to the good people of Abia South Senatorial zone, you do not need an outsider to tell you who your worthy son is.Gov Okezie Ikpeazu is your worthy son. He kept faith with the promises he made to you in 2015 by delivering above and beyond. He will do it again and again. Ndi Igbo si na ahia oma na ere onwe ya.