Kano Tricycle Rider Returns N15 Million to Passenger, Rewarded with Cash, Offered Four Wives

Kano Tricycle Rider Returns N15 Million to Passenger, Rewarded with Cash, Offered Four Wives

Auwalu Salisu, a 22-year-old tricycle rider from Kano State, has become a symbol of honesty and integrity after returning N15 million (equivalent to 10.130 million CFA and N2.9 million) that was left behind by a passenger in his tricycle. Salisu’s remarkable act of returning the substantial sum of money has garnered him widespread recognition and rewards from various quarters.

Salisu’s story gained national attention when he discovered the forgotten money in his tricycle and chose to return it to the rightful owner, despite facing economic hardships in his own life. His decision to prioritize honesty over personal gain has earned him the admiration of many and catapulted him to the status of a local celebrity.

The Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) was among the first to honor Salisu for his exceptional display of honesty. Dr. Gwani Farouk, the ACF Chairman, presented Salisu with a cash reward of N100,000 during a public ceremony. Farouk commended the tricyclist for his unwavering honesty and urged the Kano State Government to provide further recognition and rewards.

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Farouk stated, “Salisu, by his action, has demonstrated the fact that there is still hope in Nigerian youths. He has elevated the image of Kano State and that of Nigeria in the estimation of the world.” In addition to the cash reward, Salisu was also gifted a brand new tricycle to support his business.

Notably, the passenger who had left the money behind, Musa Hassan, expressed his gratitude to Salisu by giving him N400,000 in appreciation of his honesty.

The Kano State House of Assembly also joined the chorus of praise and pledged to reward the young tricycle rider for his honesty. Members of the Assembly unanimously decided to contribute a portion of their salaries to honor Salisu.

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In an unexpected turn of events, the Kano State Matchmaking and Marriage Association, known as ‘Mai Dalilin Aure’ in Hausa, offered Salisu the unique opportunity to choose from ten eligible women for marriage. The Chairman of the association, Alhaji Mukhtar Inuwa Yakasai, announced this gesture on Freedom Radio, Kano, expressing admiration for Salisu’s character and for his trustworthiness.

Salisu, recounting his decision to return the money, explained that he only became aware of the forgotten money after hearing an announcement on a radio station in Kano. He sought the advice of his parents, who instructed him to make efforts to find the owner, leading to the heartwarming chain of events that have now transformed his life.

Auwalu Salisu’s remarkable story serves as an inspiring example of honesty and integrity in a world that often values material gain over moral values. His actions have resonated with many, reminding society of the enduring power of doing what is right.