What women want from men

E very woman wants a lasting marital relationship with her  husband and this can be achieved if every man/husband could understand the desires of his wife.

Most men usually say that women are dubious in nature, they only want money but I disagree with them because women want something that money cannot buy from their husbands and some of these things gladden their heart when given to them by their men.

The following are some of the things women want from their men :

Women want a man to love them completely, passionately and romantically. Women are sick and tired of husbands who are domestic Hitler’s, who try to dominate them for their own purposes. They are tired of macho men who rule with an iron fist and have to be right at all time. They are weary with men who show little affection until they want sex.

Women are also tired of men who offer little compassion or communication and treat everyone in the house like prisoners. They are tired of spiritually weak husband who refuse to lead the family spiritually.

They want a husband who provide for the family financially, one who protects the family members emotionally. Women do not want a playboy husband. A playboy husband is likely to be infected with sexually transmitted disease and if care is not taken will transfer the disease to his wife thereby putting the life of family and the wife in jeopardy.

Another thing women want from their husband is Non-sexual Affection: When a wife says come and hold me to her husband, he rubs his hands together, the man is ready for raw sex but the woman simply wanted affection.

A marriage counselor during a counseling session asked women “how would you feel if you know you would never have sex again with your husband”, almost all the woman responded that it is really no big deal if I never have sex again with my husband, but it would be a big deal if he never touched, kissed or romanced again with our husband, that’s non-sexual affection, but to ask a man to give up sex is like asking him to give up eating and breathing.

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Again, women want open communication: If you don’t know how to listen, you don’t know how to communicate. Communication is exchange of feeling or information. It is giving your wife the freedom to disagree with you completely without getting angry.

Communication happens when husband and wife can honestly tell each other who you are, what you think, how you feel, what you love, honour, hate, what you fear, desire, hope for, believe in and are committed to without fear of prolonged argument.

If you always raise your voice to make your point, you don’t know how to communicate. If you must always have the last word, you are a dictionary, not a communicator.

It is very essential that husband and wives must improve their communication channel in order to have a wonderful marriage and this can be enhanced by setting aside a fifteen-minute period when you both are back from work just to talk. Turn off the television, put down the newspaper and talk to each other about everything significant that happened to your lives that day.

Furthermore, women want emotional intimacy from their husbands: Emotional intimacy includes touching, caressing, hugging, kissing and romancing. There are more than five million touch receptors in human body alone.

The right hand to touch releases a pleasing and healthy flow of chemicals in the bodies of both parties.

It is beneficial for every person to receive affection from another person through touch. Men should note that without the emotional intimacy of touch and warm personal communication, sex with your wife is little more than domestic rape.

Furthermore, women want spiritual intimacy.

As husband and wife, pray together and for each other, everyday, they are like what the bible said in Eccles 4:12 “A threefold cord that is not easily broken.

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A man and woman talking to God, bound together in prayer is an unbreakable union. It is impossible for one to pray for the person he/she is mad at, and so when couples are happy with each other, it is easy to pray for each other and the union can never be broken.

Finally; women want mutual submission: All women want mutual understanding between them and their husbands in terms of sexual intimacy and this could be improved among couples by bearing, romance, reverencing one another.

Couples should be romantic: A story was told of a man who didn’t kiss his wife for ten years and when the woman could not bear it, went outside the marriage to get what her husband could not  give her and when the man found out, he picked-up fight. Men should always be sensitive to the sexual and emotional needs of their wives

For some women, being romantic means buying her flower; to some, spending quality time with them and the family.  For others, romance is as simple as sharing the work around the house.

But whatever spells romance for your wife, do it. All women respond to romance and want more of it.

Always make yourself physically attractive for your spouse. A man expressed irritation because of his wife’s cold responses to his invitations for physical affection. When inquired from the woman, it was observed that he was coming into the house sweating, dirty, smelly and unkempt looking for instant romance. It cannot be realistic. Both the man and woman must be neat for sex to be enjoyable.

There is sexual intimacy when there is reverence for each other. Eph 5: 33 said nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

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Reverence means to respect someone. Men, would you like your wives to follow you around the house without resistance, rather than love her as Christ love the church? Give her non-sexual affection, spiritual intimacy, give her open communication. Reverence her, honour her, and provide for her.

Love her as your own flesh.

By Faith Ifeanyichukwu