We Do Not Have Land For Grazing,Abia Govt Reiterates

Following a statement credited to the leadership of Miyeti Allah cattle breeders recently in Item Community, Bende Local Government Council, over alledged ceding of land for grazing, Abia State Government has reiterated that it has not and will not give out any part of its land to any individual or group for the purpose of cattle rearing  in the State.
The Special Adviser to the Governor on Security Matters, Captain Awa Udonsi (rtd) who stated this during a meeting of the Farmers Herders Peace and Conflict Resolution Committee comprising of Stakeholders in Item,Bende LGA, leadership of the Hausa Community, and the Miyeti Allah Breeders Association, said the State does not have enough land and cannot afford to give out any of its land for the purpose of cattle grazing.
According to Captain Awa, ” I want to stand here on behalf of the Executive Governor of Abia state to make it categorically clear that Abia state does not have enough land that accommodates it’s own people and is a state that does not even have land for its own farmers and so cannot and will not be exposed for any form of grazing. This summarises the position of the state as it concerns herdsmen.
“The statement credited to the Miyetti Allah, left fear and agitations in the mind of the people.What matters most is to assuage your feelings and ensure that you live in your own God given Land without entertaining any fear”.
Awa noted that the State House of Assembly had enacted a law on the ban of open grazing, adding that the state Government has taken adequate steps towards ensuring that lands of its citizens are adequately protected.
He  condemned the destruction of farm crops at midnight by unknown cattle breeders in the area and advised the Herdsmen to live in conformity with the laws of the land in the interest of peace.
The Special Adviser to the Governor on security matters, further advised the herders to cohabit in a setup that respects the culture, tradition and ways of life of the people as well as redefine their business and come up with a format where their cattle rearing does not disrupt the business of others.
He commended Item people for their peaceful disposition and understanding in handling the provocation maturely.
The Chairman of the Committee and Commissioner of Police CP Janet Agbede,represented by the DPO of Bende Police Division, CSP Rolland Onyeulor noted that the police in line with their fundamental duty of protecting lives and properties will ensure peaceful resolution of the conflict between the farmers and herders in the area.
Representative of the Director of state Services,Mr Edwin Ufot and the Deputy Transition Chairman Bende LGA,John Mark, while harping on the need for peace so as to ensure social stability in the community, called on the cattle rearers to work in synergy with the community.
They made it clear that no meaningful development can be achieved in the absence of peace.
Narrating their ordeal the President General Okoko Item Development Union, Chief Ogbulafor and a community leader Mr Eke Ukeje, while noting that Item is an agrerian community which is sustained by cassava, lamented that herders roam their village with cows at midnight creating fear and tension among the people in addition to the wanton destruction of their farmlands and crops.
They expressed fear of imminent hunger and starvation if such continues and urged the herders to vacate their land in the interest of peace.
In their separate speeches,the leaders,Northern  Community in Abia state, Sariki Yaro Danladi and the Chairman, Miyeti Allah Abia State, Hassan Buba apologized for the provocative statement credited to them, saying they were misunderstood.
They promised that they would caution their people and work with the leadership to maintain the existing peace in the community.
Representative of the Deputy Chief of staff to the Governor, Ukpai Agwu and the permanent Secretary Special service Bureau office of the SSG, Rev Ernest Onyeukwu attended the meeting.