Trump replies Jay-Z on ‘Shithole comment’‎

US President, Donald Trump has responded to American rapper, Jay-Z’s reaction to his ‘Shithole comment’ on African countries.

Jay-Z, in an interview broadcast yesterday on CNN before Grammys said that Trump’s belittling remarks was hurtful to black people and therefore overshadowed any employment data.

He was quoted as saying “It is disappointing and it’s hurtful,Because it’s looking down at a whole population of people and it’s so misinformed because these places have beautiful people and beautiful everything. This is the leader of the free world speaking like this.”

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President Trump in reaction said his policies had reduced black employment rate and made U.S economy better.

Trump via his twitter official page wrote “Somebody please inform Jay-Z that because of my policies, Black Unemployment has just been reported to be at the LOWEST RATE EVER RECORDED!

“Our economy is better than it has been in many decades. Businesses are coming back to America like never before. Chrysler, as an example, is leaving Mexico and coming back to the USA. Unemployment is nearing record lows. We are on the right track!‎”