Wonders shall never end. While many travelled home to join in the celebration of the Christmas and New Year festivities, some other remained behind to make devilish rituals and sacrifices at major segments of the road.
Barely a week into the New Year, a gory and disheartening sight was seen at the junction of a crissed-crossed road that links the remote and adjourning roads along Umuelendu/Umukalika road all in Obingwa L.G.A.
The body parts of the fowl displayed showed that it was strangled or muscled to death in a gruesome way. That display of brutality raised panic as people could not ascertain the purpose of such a ritual.
This sight showed parts of a butchered fowl that was decimated and distributed in such a way that it depicts the 4 points of a cross (making a north, south, east and west cardinal points on the ground). Each leg and wing and some feathers facing East and West directions while the head and tail faced the North and South directions respectively. Some cubes of Sugar smeared with blood, oil, palm fruit and other unidentified concoctions were seen scattered amidst these segments.
It was conspicuously done at the center of the road when every pedestrian or vehicles plying through the road must pass it.

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The question then is, “what could these mean?” In the midst of many churches within the area, does it imply that evangelism and religious liberty have not been firmly rooted? Maybe, there are more heathens than Christians in the area.
Contrary to popular opinion, however, some residents point accusing fingers at some new generation churches whom they say are completing for converts and spiritual powers within the area. Though all who spoke to our correspondend pleaded for anonymity, they are not impressed over the mode of worship of these churches hinted.
To the erring mind, does freedom of worship entail one causing fear and panic to others? Shouldn’t a worshipper do such at his or her own assigned area rather than on a public avenue? Wonders shall never end indeed.
– Chinedu Kelechi, Aba