Nnamdi Kanu: IPOB questions rationale behind it proscription

Following the protests embarked by the Nnamdi Kanu led Indigenous People Of Biafra, agitating for their own sovereign state in Nigeria.
Questions has been on going by concerned citizens and human rights around the world over the proscription and crack down or better deal ruthlessly to an armless group as instructed by the Nigeria government and it’s army rather than finding solutions to what led to the agitations and proffer meaningful solution to it.
A member of the group who recently was released from prison and spoke to National Ambassador on the condition of anonymity revealed that majority of his members are either dead or are being incarcerated because the South Easterners who are being marginalised are asking for equality within the Nigerian nation.
One case would always raise eye brows as revealed by the parents of Mr. John Okakiu , since the unfortunate incident of raiding their home in search of John.
Mr. and Mrs. Regina Kennedy Okakiu also explained that they have not set their eyes on their son Mr. John Okakiu who was a member of IPOB and rose to become the group branch public relations officer, under Comrade Emeka Umeagbalasi as Chairman for Abagana community in Anambra state.
According to, “Mrs Okakiu, trouble started 30th August 2015 at Onitsha, Anambra where my son John was among the leading members of the IPOB protesting peacefully for the sovereign state of Biafra Land but were tear gased and shot at by the government security forces amounting to numerous casualties as about six members of the group were confirmed dead immediately”.
“John became top among the wanted list of the Nigeria security forces among the group”.
Another protest took place on 2nd, September 2015, in my home community, Abagana which John was also actively involved that led to the police tracing him to my house where he was surrounded by the men of the Nigeria security forces.
This manhunt and crack down of the Ipob members led us to move out of our home due to constant harassment by the men of the Nigerian security forces.
As it is now, Mrs. Okakiu, continues, we lived in the Indigenous displaced persons centre because I do not have a home and has not set my eyes on my son to know if he is dead or alive.
However, my appeal goes to the Nigeria security forces to inform me the where about of my son, if he is in their custody, I need to know or if he is dead like numerous of his members I also need to know because he is my only hope.
Meanwhile efforts made by National Ambassador to reach the Anambra state commissioner of police, CP Danduara Mustapha proved abortive for he neither answered his cell phone nor returned his calls.
However, a police officer who spoke to our correspondent anonymously said that Mr. John Okakiu has been on the police wanted least since 5th September 2015, as a member of Ipob for wanton disruption of peace, unlawful protest, and treason against the country.
He and his group would be definitely be arrested to face charges in the court, for being a member of a proscribed group.
Also many Nigerians had expressed opinions that Nigeria has never been politically polarized the way it is today, with massive youths unemployment, insecurity as a result of Boko Haram terrorism, Herdsmen attacks, corruption and concentration of political power within one ethnic group are serious issues bedeviling the country.