Nigerian Masseuse Collapses During 72-Hour Massage-A-Thon Attempt

In a daring bid to secure a Guinness World Record for the longest massage on different individuals, Joyce Ijeoma, a renowned Nigerian masseuse, reportedly collapsed during the ongoing 72-hour massage-a-thon in the bustling Ikate area of Lagos State.


While Ijeoma’s achievement would mark a historic milestone, it is worth noting that the current Guinness World Record for the longest full-body massage stands at approximately 25 hours and 4 minutes. This record was set by Alastair Galpin, a South African, in South Kalimantan, Indonesia, back in November 2015, making him the second Guinness World Records breaker of the 2000s.

A video capturing the unfortunate incident quickly went viral on various social media platforms, shedding light on Ijeoma’s ordeal. The footage, which was viewed on Tuesday afternoon, depicted a colleague of the masseuse rushing to her aid as she struggled to maintain her balance after collapsing on the ground. The Instagram live stream showcasing her impressive efforts abruptly ended at that point.

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As of now, no official statement or update has been released by Ijeoma’s team regarding the incident. Further details surrounding her condition and the impact on her Guinness World Record attempt remain undisclosed at the time of this report.