Methodist Prelate Set To Retire,Concludes Valedictory Tour To Umuahia Archdiocese


The Spiritual Head of the Methodist Church Nigeria, His Eminence, Dr Samuel Kanu Uche has concluded his Apostolic Valedictory Tour to the Archdiocese of Umuahia, in preparation for his retirement coming up in November 2022.
The Prelate of the Methodist Church who happened to be the first Igbo Prelate since the inception of the Church in 1842, has contributed immensely to the growth of the church for the past 46 years.
Prelate of Methodist Church
In an interview with a Knight of John Wesley and the Traditional Prime Minister of Ibeku land, Sir Royal High Chief Uche Akwukwaegbu (Bawas), who hosted the Prelate in a sumpteous meal shortly after the Valedictory service at the All Saints Methodist Church, Amuzukwu, described the Prelate as a cheerful and humble servant of God who brought so much dynamism to the church,as well as made evangelism  the delight of all Methodist.
According to him, the Prelate’s style of leadership was endearing, bringing about massive growth to the church, adding that the Prelate in his tenure, built churches,schools,health facilities among others.
Sir Akwukwaegbu added that the Prelate started from a humble beginning, rising from the position of a Deacon to a Reverend, Presbyter, Bishop, Archbishop and Prelate, maintaining that he has used these positions effectively to the glory of God.
He noted that as  the church would be getting a new Prelate by December this year,  prayed God to give the Church someone that would supercede the achievements of Dr Uche and as well, emulate him where need be.
The Ibeku TPM, however, disclosed that the Prelate of the church has garnered alot of love and support from members across the length and breath of the North, South,East and West regions, calling on the Church not to relent in their prayers as the Prelate prepares for his exit.
Meanwhile, the knight of John Wesley, Sir Uche Akwukwaegbu, said that the Prelate  position has been held by different regions of  the North,South,West and Middle Belt, adding that the enthronement of His Eminence Dr Samuel Uche, was the first time the East would hold such reverend position.
He added that with the height being attained as the first Igbo Prelate, he (Bawas),saw it as an honour  to host him for the tireless work done in the church.
Recall  that at the Valedictory service held at the Wesley Cathedral,Umuahia on Sunday, the Prelate wished the Church well, praying God to use his successor to bring more spiritual growth to the Church.
He expressed excitement that the churches in the Umuahia Archdiocese are doing well and experiencing growth accordingly, stating that his visit was a remarkable one, fascinating and trilling.