Methodist Church Awards Over 30 Women With ‘Nneoma’


The Methodist Church Nigeria, St Stephen’s Cathedral, Amachara,Diocese of Umuahia West, has awarded over thirty women of the church with the award of ‘Nneoma’.
The women who were recognized by the Church at the 2022 Award Giving Ceremony held at the St Stephen’s Cathedral, Amachara, were awarded for their tireless service and support to the church both at home and in the respective cities they reside.
Nneoma Joy Ibe Obioma
Speaking with journalists shortly after being conferred with the Nneoma Award, Lady Joy Ibe Obioma,a Senior Church Steward at the Folawiyo Bankole Memorial Methodist Church,Lagos State, who joined other women to receive this prestigious and respected Award in the Methodist Church, expressed happiness for the honour done her, saying its a call for more service.
The Award she said is basically to encourage one to give more of her time and resources to the growth of the church.
She corrected the impression of people who think the Nneoma Award is only given to women who are in the rich class, adding that it is only dedicated service that qualifies one for the award.
According to her, “What qualifies one for the Nneoma Award is diligent service. Once you serve God with your time or resources be it financial, God will surely reward you some day and part of that reward is the recognition by the Church”.
She gave account of a woman who was awarded with the Nneoma Award by simply coming to clean the church and  ushering people to their seat during church services.She said that the woman has no money but would always be in the church to sweep,direct and ensure things go smoothly during church services by ushering worshippers to their seats.
“In any capacity you can serve God, please continue.Some can serve with their prayers, while some their finances or even their energy but ensure there is something you are giving to serve the God that kept you alive “.
She promised that she would not relent in the service of God,as the award would further spur her to dedicate more service to God
Reacting to the high rate of divorce in most homes, Lady Ibe Obioma, however, advised women to give full support to their husbands so that their marriage can thrive, adding that women should be patient and prayerful when things are not moving fine,but enjoined that if the case degenerate into a violent marriage, they should work away.
Contributing, Sir Emelogu Ibe Obioma, the husband to the latest Nneoma,Lady Joy Ibe Obioma,congratulated the women of St Stephen’s Cathedral, Amachara for the honour done them.
He said the Nneoma Award is one of the most respected awards in the Methodist Church, therefore, for one to be recognized,then it is worth celebrating.
According to Sir Obioma, the wife has worked tirelessly in the vineyard of God, stressing that the honour done her is not a mean feat.
“She didn’t start today,for an igbo woman to rise to the position of a Senior church Steward in a yoruba dominated church,you will understand me better.
“She has held several positions in the church, giving her best in all of them”,he said.
Sir Obioma expressed appreciation to God for keeping them alive to witness the honour, stating that the Nneoma award is only giving to those who have contributed immensely to the growth of the church and cannot be bought with money.
He added that the wife has been receiving series of awards both in her community where she was born and also the community she is married, describing the wife as a virtuous woman that came into his family to support and give her best, adding that the wife’s effort in his family cannot be undermined.
Sir Obioma, therefore,advised women to always give support to their husbands so that their marriage can record success.