Group Raises Alarm Over Declining Standard of Education in South East Zone, Calls For Prompt Intervention


A Coalition of Civil Society Group under the aegis of Civil Society Action Coalition In Education(CSACEFA) has raised alarm over the declining standard of education in the South East zone.
The Group is calling on the Governor’s of the South East to rise to the challenge and urgently intervene to save the education sector from total collapse.
Spokesperson and the out gone Focal person of the Coalition in the State, Mrs Felicia Dimgba made the call, Thursday when the group paid a Courtesy visit to the State Council of Nigeria Union of Journalists(NUJ) in Umuahia.
Dimgba who rated the quality of Education in the South East low, expressed worry over the declining standard and called for prompt intervention from government to save the sector.
She lamented the dilapidated state of Infrastructure in public schools both in the rural and urban areas of the zone pointing out that the mission of the group is to see that a Nigerian guaranteed of quality education and dignity for all.
Dimgba disclosed that the major goal of the Coalition for coming together is to ensure free quality and inclusive education for all through effective participation of civil society.
“Our major goal for coming together is to pursue quality education in Nigeria. We are worried about the trend of education, it is going down at every level of education, the truth is that there is a down slop in Educational advancement especially in the South East.
“CSACEFA is worried especially in Abia State where public secondary and primary schools have remained closed for over a period.
The out gone Focal person of the group disclosed that they came to solicit partnership with the NUJ in the area of assistance on publicizing the activities of the Coalition, “Education cannot be achieved without the media, we are here to seek for partnership with you, we are here to say things are not going well in our education sector”.
In his contribution, the Director, Center for Human Rights Advocacy and Wholesome Society, Okoye Chuka called on the government at all levels to pay serious attention to the Educational sector adding that if urgent steps are not taken, it would adversely affect the future of youths in the Country.
In his remarks, the State Chairman of NUJ Comrade John Emejor decried the declining interest in the reading culture of students and drew the attention of the group to the growing trend among youths to internet browsing which often  occupy the time of these youths.
He assured the group that the State Council of the NUJ is willing to partner with the Coalition.