Governor Otti Promises Unprecedented Transformation For Aba...Commissions Three New Roads

Governor Otti Promises Unprecedented Transformation For Aba…Commissions Three New Roads

Abia state Governor, Dr. Alex Otti has officially commissioned three roads in Aba with an assurance that Aba’s infrastructure development, under his leadership, would undergo transformation like never before.

The newly reconstructed roads, adorned with solar street lights and functional drainage system reconstructed by the current administration include Shallom, Cemetery Road Phase 1 and Emelogu Road.

Speaking during the ceremony, Governor Otti emphasized that investments in road infrastructure are pivotal to driving economic growth and development and asserted that a well-connected road network plays a vital role in fostering socio-economic growth.

The Governor underscored his determination to transform Aba in accordance with his campaign promises and maintained that his administration is committed to sustaining the trust bestowed upon him by the people.

He emphasized that Aba’s future hinges on the establishment of robust infrastructure and a conducive environment that supports both social and economic activities; a vision which he said the current administration under his leadership is resolutely committed to achieving.

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Addressed the long-neglected Cemetery Market road, which he noted had languished for over two decades, the Governor vowed to put an end to the disruptive activities of touts in the markets to signal a fresh start for the area.

He said that his administration has concluded plans to award the full rehabilitation of the age long deplorable Port Harcourt Road Aba, noting that the road is strategic not only to the economic rejuvenation of Aba but to Rivers state and other neighbouring states.

Speaking while commissioning the 1.8km Emelogu road the Governor announced a water fountain would be installed at the centre of the roadabout to further enhance the city’s aesthetics.

He extended his gratitude to the residents and contractors for their support and appealed for continued collaboration, emphasizing that the rejuvenation of Abia requires the collective effort of all its citizens.

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The Commissioner for Works, Engr. Don Oti while restating the present administration’s dedication to prioritizing road infrastructure, stressed that revitalizing the road networks not only stimulates economic growth and development but also alleviates the burdens faced by the populace.

Engr. Oti urged the beneficiaries of the newly inaugurated roads to reciprocate the government’s generosity by maintaining cleanliness and preventing drainage blockages and warned that obstructing the roads with vehicle repairs or merchandise would soon be a serious offence, as legislative measures are being put in place to enforce compliance.

Several dignitaries at the occasion including, the President of the Aba Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines, and Agriculture (ACCIMA), Chief Jerry Kalu and a resident of Emelogu Road, Mr. Uche Okafor while expressing their appreciation, commended Governor Alex Otti for his efforts in reconstructing and and upgrading the roads.

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They pledged the continued support of the Aba community to his administration, acknowledging the positive impact of the road infrastructure improvements on the city’s development.