By Kingsley Maduforo

With a flare and utmost passion for positive change in Abia State, Gov. Okezie Victor Ikpeazu emerged as the PDP’s Governorship candidate for the second time to continue with his superlative performance in governance geared towards changing the political narrative and economic climate of Abia State. This son of a teacher has really put Abia in the economic world map in his quest to industrialize the state, with more focus on Aba, the ancient city and commercial hub of Abia State. Gov. Ikpeazu in less than four years in office showed his political will and commitment in eradicating poverty, promoting sustainable growth and development, accelerating the empowerment of women and youths, thereby integrating Abia into the world economy. This further portrays a leader who understands the principles of commitment and the rules guiding good governance.

Gov. Ikpeazu in less than four years has been transparent, accountable and has shown equity in exercising political, economic, and administrative authority in governance. He has also ensured that all institutions, governmental institutions as well as civil society organizations are accountable to the public, stakeholders and most importantly, to the electorate under his watch.

The proactive nature of Gov. Ikpeazu in changing the economic landscape of the state is commendable. He understands the dynamics of change and formulated responsive action plans that would deliver sustainable development. The governor of Abia State, took drastic steps and tackled the deteriorating economic activities in the state in his first three years in office by first creating an enabling environment and favorable economic policies that are flexible to the business community. This has led to the massive growth of Abia economy.

Gov. Okezie Ikpeazu has been on the speed lane towards recovering all the dilapidated roads in the state, which before his coming on board were neglected. This hampered the socio-economic development and growth of the state. Right now, the completed roads have been of great benefits and help to the citizens especially in terms of enabling trade and employment opportunities in both urban and rural communities since good roads facilitate the seamless movement of goods and services in all sector of the state economy namely: tourism, education, health,commerce, SMEs and agriculture among others.

Furthermore, the accolade Gov. Ikpeazu is receiving now because of his superlative performance in office is not a mere wish but a tireless effort to put Abia in it’s rightful place. Come 2023, Gov. Ikpeazu will leave Abia much more better than he met it.

It will be recalled that Gov. Okezie Ikpeazu on the 30th of September, 2018 during the governorship primaries in the state pulled a total number of 2,207 votes out of a total of 2,350 registered delegates from the 17 LGAs of the state. In his acceptance speech, Gov. Ikpeazu enumerated the achievements of his administration in education, agriculture, security, health, SMEs development and oil and gas which are the five pillars of his administration. He also laid a template for the first two years of his second term in office one of which is the creation of 60,000 jobs for Abians through prioritizing SMEs and infrastructural development.

It is also on record that Gov. Okezie Ikpeazu recently received accolades from the World Bank for investing in Abia Education For Employment (E4E) programme.The commendation was made during a workshop held on the 17th of October, 2018 at the World Bank head office in Abuja. Gov. Ikpeazu despite the current economic challenges in the country, was able and passionately invested in the Abia State Education For Employment (E4E) programme.

Gov. Ikpeazu’s support and investment in the E4E programme made Abia to become one of the six states in Nigeria to receive a grant to develop Technical and Vocational Education Training(TVET) and as well attracted funding for youths development through the World Bank assisted Youth Employment and Social Support Operation(YESSO) project.

Finally, this shows a man in Gov. Okezie Victor Ikpeazu, a man of vision with passion to serve the people. Little wonder he was given a chieftaincy title as Uwa Abia because with Gov. Ikpeazu, Abia is on the path of greater progress.

Kingsley Maduforo, a Media/Political Analyst writes from Aba.