Abia Govt Engages Citizens On 2025 Budget Planning …Highlights Achievements in Financial Management


The Abia State Government, in collaboration with the Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning and UNICEF, in a bid to enhance citizen participation in the budgeting process, Tuesday engaged citizens in discussions on the 2025 Budget planning.



The event tagged the “2025 Citizens Budget Engagement Forum”, is expected to play a crucial role in shaping the future of the state’s financial planning and ensure that the needs and aspirations of citizens are reflected in the final budget.


Stakeholders from various sectors including Representatives from different local Governments, the Civil Society Organizations, MDAs, Open Government partners, Religious Leaders, Farmers, Person’s living with disabilities were among participants at the event.



Speaking at the forum held at the Aguiyi Ironsi Conference Centre Umuahia, the Commissioner for Budget and Economic Planning, Mr Kingsley Anosike emphasized the importance of public participation in the upcoming 2025 budget Christened “Budget of Sustained Momentum”.


He noted that the interaction would provide citizens with an opportunity to understand and contribute to the budgetary process.

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Anosike said the primary objective of the event was “to discuss the state’s Medium-Term Expenditure Framework and gather feedback on the expectations of the various groups concerning development projects slated for inclusion in the 2025 budget”. 


“It is a pre session before we go into budgeting and we do it annually”, Anosike stated.


The Commissioner emphasized that the 2025 budget is designed to sustain the momentum of development that has characterized the present administration’s activities over the past 14 months.



Basically this government works for the citizens interest and the budget is designed for the interest and betterment of the citizens.



We expect that the citizens will benefit more from the 2025 budget and that is why it has been christened budget of Sustained Momentum.


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We have ramped up activities in terms of developmental projects over time in the last 14 month. The budget for next year is supposed to sustain that momentum and close out even stronger“, he explained.


The Commissioner outlined proposals for recurrent expenditure and reiterated the state government’s commitment to capacity building in the Education and Health sectors.



He highlighted the state government’s efforts to enhance the living standards of the people and urged citizens to support the government’s efforts by ensuring timely payment of their taxes.


Anosike commended the prudent financial management of the state under the leadership of the Governor Alex Otti, noted that the government has managed to undertake various projects without resorting to borrowing.



He revealed that the state has adopted technology driven measures to enhance revenue collection including the introduction of Single Treasury Account which he said, has effectively curbed revenue leakages.

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In her remarks, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Lady Mercy Jibuonu, highlighted that the 2025 core circulars have already been distributed to the MDAs adding that the meeting would enhance their contribution to the 2025 budget.



Lady Jibuonu stated that the forum aligns with the governor’s vision for a new Abia and stressed the need for all Citizens to contribute to the growth of the state.