ENUGU: Church Holds Carol, Urges Christians To Trust In God Over Nigeria

Saint Peter’s Anglican Church, Ogbete in Enugu North Council Area, recently held its Christmas carol and nine lessons, calling on Nigerians to trust in the power of God to change situation of things in the country.

The carol service was organised by the church to uplift the souls of the congregation and prepare their minds for Christmas as it was a “Season of joy and great things happening”

Dwelling on the theme of the occasion, “Season of impossibility made possible” the Vicar of the Church, Venerable Kenneth Ugwuagu, said if the virgins’ womb could conceive, there was nothing impossible for God to do.

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Ugwuagu, charged Christians to spread love not only during the Yuletide, but throughout the whole year, and emulate the virtues of Jesus Christ as demonstrated in his humility and service to humanity.

While noting that the 2023 general election was another period for decision making, the Anglican priest charged the adherents to intensify their prayers for the country and trust God for extraordinary miracle.

According to him, the entire story about Christmas rests on what was assumed impossible becoming possible.

He noted that the miracle of turning water into win, feeding five thousand people, walking on the sea, were some of the extraordinary moments that marked Jesus Christ as God of possibilities.

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“He has power over misfortune, death; he commanded death, and it obeyed Him.

“What men call impossible, in the calendar of God, it’s possible.”he said.

Ugwuagu, however, prayed over death, misfortune, and violence against the country..

He was assisted by Rev. Samuel Nwafor and Rev. Chukwuemeka Igboanugo to conduct the carol.

A cross section of the congregation told newsmen that Christmas carols and nines lessons is another dimension of worship to God.

The carol service featured wonderful renditions by members of St Peter’s choir as well as the youth choir.